Volunteers Needed

How YOU Can Help Our Club:
Volunteer Your Time

We are fully back on the map in Killaloe! We made a magnificent comeback after the pandemic lockdown, when the Club’s only activities were take-out meals. For example, our activities calendar is so full for May 2023 that Donna Marie has had to turn down offers for more programs! Our paid-up Membership has more than doubled in the past year. All our events are well-attended.

Assists to make all this happen last year came from some major volunteers. If we started naming them, we would surely leave someone out by accident. We can say that the few who really stepped up were mighty helpful. Many donors, including Sisters of St. Joseph, Killaloe Lions Club, federal New Horizons program, and numerous members were generous with cash, supplies, and items for our bake sales.

This year we will not have New Horizons funding, and as we know almost everyone is feeling the pinch of higher grocery prices and other forms of inflation. No one gets paid to keep the Club and our activities going. We need your volunteer help to make this year as successful as last year. You may have something more to offer, so don’t hold back. Let us know how you are prepared to help us have another fun year! Here are some ideas to consider:

• Join the Cleaning Brigade. The first meeting is Saturday, May 27th, 9 AM, at the Club for elbow action, snacks and social time.

• Make a Donation and get a tax receipt. Our Club is a Charitable Non-Profit (#88782 7863), so we can offer receipts that help reduce your taxes for any donation over $20.

• Join the 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee: see info above.

• Volunteer to help with the Irish Festival Tea (contact Liz Sidor) and Horseshoes Tournament (contact Roger McElhinney).

• Volunteer to run a craft or presentation activity at the Club.

• Volunteer to help with building maintenance and yard work (contact Ray Hennion).

• Offer to help with the monthly Club Meals. Lend a hand with food prep and serving, set up, or clean up. We can also use help shopping for food, and finding the best deals on items we need.

• Join the Fundraising Committee which plans events and seeks donations and grants under direction from the Club’s Officers.

• Help with Fundraising Activities ~ hands-on with Delta bingo (Pembroke), bake sales, making merchandise for sale at events, staffing tables, etc.

• Get Elected to Join our Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting (June 15).

For all of these volunteer opportunities, please send an email to: seniorskillaloe@gmail.com indicating how you would like to help keep your Club operating. Thanks so much!